Jointed-Arm Robots
for Order Picking & Separation


For a variety of applications in the field of picking, palletizing, and separating sheet metal, long goods, and metal parts, we offer robotic solutions with gripper/vacuum tools that are individually adapted to the respective product range.

Palletizing sheet metal

Our 6- to 7-axis robot solutions with tool change functions are ideal for picking sheet metal and other flat goods. From the pallet to the pyramid formation with protective intermediate layers, our fully automatic picking and packing capabilities allow us to fulfill customer orders in a single operation.

Saw cuts handling

The sorting robot sorts saw cuts up to 50 kg fully automatically and enables unmanned material removal of heavy sawn parts up to 1,000 kg and a cut-off length of 300 to 1,500 mm - whether round or rectangular, solid or hollow material. The software defines which part is to be deposited at which point and selects the appropriate gripper tool.

Separation / order picking of long goods

The robotic application enables the removal of lightweight long goods from cassettes and their subsequent deposition for further processing or customer order picking. Camera systems recognize the position of the material in real time, calculating the ideal set-down position.

Roboter-Anwendung bei Astrup

“We have never been as productive and successful as we are today”

Sven Er ik Bredde
Head of Logistics & IT, Astrup AS

References & Use Cases

SRM of a honeycomb warehouse
| Success-Stories

A warehouse for sheet metal and long goods

Norsk Stal, one of the leading steel and metal distributors in Norway, relies on a honeycomb…

Retrofit of a honeycomb warehouse
| Success-Stories

Retrofit of a honeycomb warehouse

By modernizing a 17-year-old honeycomb warehouse, August Dreckshage GmbH & Co. KG has reduced access…

PICK system with two automatic saws and a cassette storage system
| Blog

Use case: Saw cuts from the fully automated process

As part of a customer project, a concept was designed in which handling before and after the sawing…

PICK system with three automatic saws and a cassette storage system
| Blog

Use case: Automated sawing center with three automatic saws

The animation shows the solution of an automated sawing center with three automatic saws. The saws…


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