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Honeycomb warehouse accelerates window production

As one of the largest manufacturers in Europe, AllWindows has been producing aluminum and PVC windows since 1997. The raw material for these products are over 400 different profiles up to 6.5 m long.

The materials are stored in a Remmert honeycomb warehouse. A key advantage of the system is its compact design. AllWindows (formerly Alsecco) achieves a particularly high storage density on a minimal footprint. Each of the approximately 650 storage locations has a load capacity of 1.5° t, so that materials with a total weight of over 950 t can be stored. The space-optimized design of the storage system also enables the company to centralize its manufacturing and associated production logistics in one hall. In future, the Remmert system will be positioned like a beehive on a floor area of around 1,200 m2 in the middle of the new production hall.

Another special feature of the project: after expanding its production capacities, AllWindows intends to supply 16 different processing machines with materials from the storage system in a time-efficient manner. All production steps, from cutting the profiles to size to gluing the components, are to be seamlessly integrated. This idea places increased demands on Remmert's storage and material flow concept. The warehouse layout therefore provides for the machines to be grouped around the honeycomb warehouse. AllWindows supplies the production area via 16 storage stations. Thanks to the honeycomb warehouse's high degree of automation, the materials are provided at the appropriate station as required. As a result, machine downtimes are close to zero. 

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