| Success-Stories
Retrofit of an order picking warehouse
For almost 20 years, the order picking warehouse of Gerhard Schubert GmbH in Crailsheim has been in…
Whether it is heavy parts, cable assemblies, rods or profiles, cassette storage systems are ideal for goods that do not fit into standard warehouses due to their shape, size or weight. The cassettes are stored like drawers in the racking system and are transported to the goods stations by storage and retrieval machines.
From the cassette as a load carrier to the goods transfer station, all system components are specially tailored to your requirements in our engineering department. This results in perfect material flows, even for special requirements.
No chance of falling out: Cassettes offer a very high level of security against damage caused by improper handling or falling out.
No cubic meter is wasted: Tailor-made load carriers and storage locations mean a particularly high storage density.
Tower racking is ideal for automated intralogistics of goods of varying sizes or special volumes and weights. Goods up to 6,000 x 2,000 mm and weighing up to six tons can be stored or buffered with or without pallets in a space-saving manner.
Instead of fixed shelves, large trays are used, which are moved by storage and retrieval machines. This allows goods weighing up to six tons and with oversize dimensions to be stored at variable heights in a space-saving and fully automated manner.
No cubic meter is wasted: Tailor-made load carriers and storage locations mean a particularly high storage density.
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